Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Birds

Finding Winter subjects to photograph in Ohio can be tricky.  It's usually a matter of luck.  One day there can be several species to choose from.  But you can go back the very next day, at the very same place and time, and find nothing.  One lucky day, there was a Great Blue Heron fishing, surrounded by ice.

Once humans were spotted, he took off.  So, it was on to the Gulls.

 They, too, were fishing near the ice.

 There would be successful catches....

 And failed attempts.  So close!

 It's so fun to see them grab one!
 Even when they'd miss... they'd keep on trying...
Their eyes were focused down on the water.  Searching, diving, missing, catching.   I wish I had this much energy and patience!
I also wish I could fly.