Friday, August 16, 2013

Kensington Park

Kensington Park is North of Ann Arbor.  It's a beautiful park, and I went there for the first time yesterday.

The rolling hills were beautiful and The park makes a home for many Sandhill Cranes.

 Here are a few images of them.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Everything Has a Price

Wandering through an antique store gives me unique kind of energy. What is the history of these items.  How were they used? Did they bring joy and happiness, or were they unappreciated.  Or were they simply a necessity.

 Horses, horses, horses.

How many happy children went round in circles on these carrousel horses?  Were they happy, or did they get dizzy and cry.

 Were the owners wealthy?  Were these lights hanging over dining tables looking over people having fun and laughing? Or maybe the guests were dressed in their Sunday Best discussing the current problems of the world.  Or maybe both.

There was surely music played after dinner in the grand ballroom.  Or did this belong to a small town music teacher.

One thing is for sure... people sure were fancy back in the day.

There was no air conditioning and so I'm sure there were several of these located around every room.

Laundry basket?  Potatoes?  Apples?
It's just a joy to find these treasures and let your mind wander for awhile. 

Antique stores.  They rock.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Birds

Finding Winter subjects to photograph in Ohio can be tricky.  It's usually a matter of luck.  One day there can be several species to choose from.  But you can go back the very next day, at the very same place and time, and find nothing.  One lucky day, there was a Great Blue Heron fishing, surrounded by ice.

Once humans were spotted, he took off.  So, it was on to the Gulls.

 They, too, were fishing near the ice.

 There would be successful catches....

 And failed attempts.  So close!

 It's so fun to see them grab one!
 Even when they'd miss... they'd keep on trying...
Their eyes were focused down on the water.  Searching, diving, missing, catching.   I wish I had this much energy and patience!
I also wish I could fly.